Doa Al Faraj li Sayyidina Al Khidir Alaihissalam
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Allahumma Sholli ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa alihi wa shahbihi wa sallam, Allahumma kamaa lathafta fii ‘adhamatika duunalluthafaa, wa ‘alawta bi‘adhamatika alal ‘udhamaa, wa ‘alimta maa tahta ardhika ka’ilmika bimaa fauqa ‘arsyika, wa kaanat wasaawisasshuduuri kal’alaniyyati ‘indaka, wa ‘alaa niyyatilqauli kassirri fii ilmika, wanqaada kullu syay’in li ‘adhamatika, wa khadha’a kullu dzi sulthaanin li sulthaanika, wa shaara amruddunya wal akhirati kulluhu biyadika.Ij’al lii min kulli hammin ashbahtu aw amsaiytu fiihi farajan wa makhrajaa,Allahumma inna ‘afawaka ‘an dzunuubiy, wa tajaawazaka ‘an khathii’athiy, wa sitraka alaa qabiihi a’maaliy, athmi’niy ‘an as’aluka maa laa astawjibuhu minka mimma qashhartu fiihi, ad’uuka aaminan, wa as;aluka musta;anisaa. Wa innakalmuhsinu ilayya, wa analmusii’i ilaa nafsiy fiima bayniy wa bainaka, atawaddaduu ilayya bini’matika, wa atabagghadhu ilaika bilma’ashiy, alakinnattsiqata bika hamalatniy alal Jaraa’ati ‘alaika, fa’ud bifadhlika wa ihsaanika alayya. innaka antattawaburrahiim ,wa shalallahu alaa Sayyidina Muhammadin wa alihi wa shahbihi wa sallim.
Wahai Allah, Sebagaimana Engkau telah berlemah lembut dalam Keagungan Mu melebih
segenap kelembutan, dan Engkau Maha Luhur dan Keagungan Mu melebihi semua Keagungan,
Dan Engkau Maha Mengetahui terhadapa apa apa yg terjadi di Bumi sebagaimana Engkau
Maha Mengetahui apa apa yg terjadi Arsy Mu, dan semua yg telah terpendam merisaukan hati adalah jelas terlihat dihadapan Mu, dan segala yg terang terangan diucapkan adalah Rahasia Yang terpendam dalam Pengetahuan Mu, dan patuhlah segala sesuatu pada Keagungan Mu, dan tunduk segala penguasa dibawah Kekuasaan Mu, maka jadilah segenap permasalahan dunia dan akhirat dalam Genggaman Mu, Maka jadikanlah segala permasalahanku dan kesulitanku segera terselesaikan dan termudahkan pada pagiku atau soreku ini, Wahai Allah kumohon maaf Mu atas dosa dosaku, dan kumohon pengampunan Mu atas kesalahan kesalahanku, dan kumohon tabir penutup Mu dari keburukan amal amalku, berilah aku dan puaskan aku dari permohonanku yg sebenarnya tidak pantas diberikan pada Ku karena kehinaanku, kumohon pada Mu keamanan, dan kumohon pada Mu Kedamaian bersama Mu, Sungguh selalu berbuat baik padaku, sedangkan aku selalu berbuat buruk terhadap diriku atas hubunganku dengan Mu, Kau Ulurkan Cinta kasih sayang lembut Mu padaku dengan kenikmatan kenikmatan Mu, sedangkan aku selalu memancing kemurkaan Mu dg perbuatan dosa, namun kuatnya kepercayaanku pada Mu membawaku untuk memberanikan diri lancang memohon pada Mu, maka kembalikanlah dengan Anugerah Mud an Kebaikan Mu padaku, Sungguh Engkau Maha Menerima hamba hamba yg menyesal dan Engkau Maha Berkasih sayang, Dan shalawat serta salam atas Sayyidina Muhammad serta keluarga dan limpahan salam, dan segala puji bagi Allah Pemilik Alam semesta.
About Me
- Park Year
- Pulau Cawan a small rocky island. Why Pulau Cawan? it's been there by the sea all along and no one seems to care about it in the place where I was born. love the outdoors and the sea. my true colors, and let there be lights...
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah menetapkan kamu (dan memberi kuasa) di bumi, dan Kami jadikan untuk kamu padanya (berbagai jalan) penghidupan (supaya kamu bersyukur, tetapi) amatlah sedikit kamu bersyukur. [Surah al-Araf, 10]
Monday, October 17, 2011
hadith nabi...
Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda yang bermaksud: Sesiapa yang berkehendakkan dunia maka hendaklah ia berilmu, sesiapa yang berkehendakkan akhirat maka hendaklah ia berilmu dan sesiapa yang berkehendakkan kedua-duanya maka hendaklah ia berilmu. (Riwayat at-Tirmidzi)
Qasidah Waqtis-Sahar
وَقْتِ السَّحَرْ بِهْ يَطِيْب الْحَالْ لاَهْلِ الصَّفَا وَبِهْ يَجُوْدُ الْعَلِي بِالْفَضْلِ لأَهْلِ الْوَفَا
Waktu larut malam adalah saat termuliakannya keadaan orang orang suci, dan pada waktu itu pula semakin pemurah Sang Maha Mulia dengan anugerah untuk mereka yg menepati janji untuk mengunjungi Nya (shalat malam),
كَمْ مِنْ سَقِيْمٍ بِهَذَا الْوَقْتِ نَالَ الشِّفَا وَكَمْ بِهِ اِتَّصَلْ مِنْ عَبْدٍ بِالْمُصْطَفَى
Berapa banyak orang orang yg dimurkai dan ditimpa musibah yg diwaktu larut malam itu (mereka bermunajat pada Nya) maka mereka mendapatkan kesejukan dan pencabutan atas musibahnya, dan berapa banyak banyak pula para hamba yg termuliakan dengan terhubung hatinya dengan sang Nabi saw,
وَقَابَلَتْهُ الْمَوِاهِبْ ظَاهِرًا وَالْخَفَا وَنَازَلَتْهُ لَطَائِفْ خَيْرِ مَنْ لَطَفَا
Maka ia disambut dengan anugerah anugerah yg terlihat dan yg tersembunyi (permasalahan dunia dan akhiratnya), dan turunlah untuknya kasih sayang dan kelembutan kelembutan dari yg sangat Indah kelembutan Nya.
عَنِ الْمَسَاوِي وَكُلِّ الذَّنْبِ فَضْلاً عَفَى وَبَارِقِ الْفَضْلِ وَاْلإِ حْسَانِ لُهْ رَفْرَفَا
Dari kehinaan kehinaan dan setiap dosa, anugerah maaf Nya pun melimpah, dan pijaran cahaya kemuliaan dan keluhuran untuknya terus bercahaya indah,
وَحَسْبُهُ جُوْدُ مَوْلاَنَا الْعَلِي وَكَفَى وَهَاهُنَا الْقَوْلَ يَا أهْلَ الْفَهُمْ قَدْ وَقَفَا
Maka cukuplah kedermawanan Tuhan kita Yang Maha Tinggi dan Maha Mencukupi segenap hamba Nya, dan sampai disinilah wahai yang memahami, terhenti ucapan dan kata kata..
مَنْ ذَايُعَبِّرْ عَنِ الْغَوْثِ إِذَا وَكَفَا ياَرَبِّ زِدْنَا عَطَايَا يَارَبِّ زِدْ تُحَفَا
Siapakah pula yg mampu menggambarkan kemegahan curahan hujan rahmat Nya bila sedang melimpah.., wahai Tuhan tambahkan bagi kami pemberian pemberian, wahai Tuhan kami tambahkanlah sesuatu yg berharga,
وَاعْطِفْ عَلَيْنَا فَإِنَّكَ خَيْرَ مَنْ عَطَفَا وَاعْلِي لَنَا فِي رِحَابِ الْعِزّ ِبِكْ غُرَفَا
Maka berlemah lembutlah pada kami, sungguh engkau sebaik baik yg berlemah lembut, dan limpahkanlah kemuliaan bagi kami dengan sambutan kemegahan kamar kamar istana Mu,
وَصَلِّ دَأْبًا عَلَى أحْمَدُ وَالِهَ الشُّرَفَا وَالصَّحْبِ أَهْلِ الْهُدَى وَمَنْ بِهِمْ إِقْتَفَا
Dan limpahkanlah shalawat selalu atas Nabi Muhammad saw dan keluarganya yg mulia, beserta para sahabatnya dan para pembawa petunjuk dan semua yg mengikuti jejak mereka,
وَالْحَمْدُ اللهِ رَبِّي حَسْبُنَا وَكَفَى
Dan segala puji bagi Allah Tuhanku, Yang Maha Melindungi kami dengan kecukupan.
Syair Al Allamah Al Habib Umar bin Hafidh
Monday, October 10, 2011
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Selawat shifa.
Allahumma sholli alaa sayyidina muhammadin thibilquluubi wa dawaa ihaa, wa ‘afiatil abdaani wa syifaa ihaa, wa nuuril absori wa dhiyaa ihaa, wa alaa alihi wa shohbihii wa baarik wa sallim
Artinya :
Ya Allah, berilah rahmat ke atas penghulu kami, nabi Muhammad S.A.W. yang dengan berkat baginda, engkau menyembuhkan hati, menjadi penawar dan menyehatkan tubuh juga memberi kesembuhan penyakit serta mengaruniai cahaya penglihatan dan kurniakanlah juga rahmat keberkatan dan kesejahteraan keatas keluarga dan sahabat baginda
Allahumma sholli alaa sayyidina muhammadin thibilquluubi wa dawaa ihaa, wa ‘afiatil abdaani wa syifaa ihaa, wa nuuril absori wa dhiyaa ihaa, wa alaa alihi wa shohbihii wa baarik wa sallim
Artinya :
Ya Allah, berilah rahmat ke atas penghulu kami, nabi Muhammad S.A.W. yang dengan berkat baginda, engkau menyembuhkan hati, menjadi penawar dan menyehatkan tubuh juga memberi kesembuhan penyakit serta mengaruniai cahaya penglihatan dan kurniakanlah juga rahmat keberkatan dan kesejahteraan keatas keluarga dan sahabat baginda
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
Maula Ya Salli Wa Sallim (with English Subtitles)
this are the words...
Mawlaya Salli Wassalim da-Iman Abadan
Ala Habi Bika Khairil Khalqi Kullihimi
Muhammadun Sayyidul Kawnayni Wa-Thaqalain [x2]
Wal-Fareeqaini Min Urbin Wa Min-Ajami
Mawlaya Salli Wassalim da-Iman Abadan
Ala Habi Bika Khairil Khalqi Kullihimi
Huziita Fil Lahilam Tuhzam Wa-Lam Tahimi [x2]
Hataa Ghuwadad Ummatal Islami Finnujoomi
Mawlaya Salli Wassalim da-Iman Abadan
Ala Habi Bika Khairil Khalqi Kullihimi
Habibullah Rasoolullah Imam-al Mursaleen [x2]
Saraytan Haramin Laylan Idza Haramin
Kama Saral Badru Fiitajin Minazulamin
Wa-bitatan Qaila Anil Tamanzilatan [x2]
Min Qamiqaw Syaidinal Tudrak Wa-lam Turami
Mawlaya Salli Wassalim da-Iman Abadan
Ala Habi Bika Khairil Khalqi Kullihimi
Maula Ya Salli Wa Sallim by sami yusuf
This is one of my favorite qasida and had wrote the words below...
Mawlaya salli wa sallim da-Iman abadan
Ala habibika khayril khalqi kullihimi 2x
Muhammadun sayyidul kawnayni wath-thaqalain 3x
Wal fareeqaini min urbin wa min ajami
(Chorus) 2x
Huwal habibul ladhi thurja shafa athuhu 3x
Likulli hawlin minal ahwali muq-thahami
(Chorus) 2x
Mawlaya salli ….….Da..Iman abada
Ala habibi..… khayr khalqillaahi….…kullihimi 2x
(Chorus) 2x
Thummar ridha an Abi Bakrin wa an Umarin 3x
Wa an Aliyyin wa an Uthmana dhil karami
(Chorus) 2x
Ya Rabbi bil Mustafa balligh maqasidana 3x
Waghfir-lana ma mada, Ya wasi al karami
Saturday, September 10, 2011
The last time, I had just arrived at Malacca Sentral to attend a Maulid and was having my rest at one of the cafe there sipping my usual hot Nescafe when received a call from my friend,the owner of the chalets that they need me to help them for an important event.
I was invited to assist cooking for them and prepare a banquet for the State Secretary of Malacca and guests of honor during the opening ceremony of a new Museum there. It was for their stay there at the chalet for the night,
A complete reverse of my first intention and gladly accepted the offer. I was there in no time much to their surprise as they thought I was in Kuala Lumpur.
A hectic day of cooking because it been a long time that I laid down those pots and pans. It was very awkward for me to cook in a large kitchen but I did it.
It was also a day that they celebrated the Maulid there and the opening of the Museum there and the huge crowd and reciting praises to Allah and for our Prophet and it goes on through the day and night, an experience that I will never forget and had my stay for three days and even offered a job there if I wanted to. sorry no photos to show,lost all in my mobile phone that smashed.
I was invited to assist cooking for them and prepare a banquet for the State Secretary of Malacca and guests of honor during the opening ceremony of a new Museum there. It was for their stay there at the chalet for the night,
A complete reverse of my first intention and gladly accepted the offer. I was there in no time much to their surprise as they thought I was in Kuala Lumpur.
A hectic day of cooking because it been a long time that I laid down those pots and pans. It was very awkward for me to cook in a large kitchen but I did it.
It was also a day that they celebrated the Maulid there and the opening of the Museum there and the huge crowd and reciting praises to Allah and for our Prophet and it goes on through the day and night, an experience that I will never forget and had my stay for three days and even offered a job there if I wanted to. sorry no photos to show,lost all in my mobile phone that smashed.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
It was on the last two days of Saa'ban which was the second day out of the city and after the Isyak prayer at the surau where they had a small feast of roti canai and fried noodles.
We took a stroll along the sandy path by the beach to a friend stall near a wakaf where we sat and relaxing to the sound of the waves and the night breeze.
Soon we were chatting through the night and later a new found friend who was a pharmacist.
It was a night which changes my attitude and how this man by the name of Mohammad was showered the Light of Islam and he the right person who could tell you why.
A born Hindu and later a Buddhist,a Bahai,a Christian and now a Muslim.
The story which he related to me
He was financially well and had a good business but it was a feeling of emptiness in his soul which keeps him searching for the Righteous Path.The many religions which he devoted still did not gave him the answer until he started researching on Islam. He took his Shahadah and together with wife and children and found the Light.
It did puts a spot in me as a born Muslim and how he stayed in a pondok for three years in reciting the Quran and learning to be a true Muslim.
It was the touching story of how he and his small family came to this very place to celebrate their first Eid away from the hometown.
Spent the whole night together at the surau until the Subuh prayer and kuliah subuh...Had a light breakfast at the surau side as they had them prepared.Soon we started dismantling the tent and packed up for our way home as tomorrow will be the first of Rahmadan this year.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
sometimes you misses things that you loved to do as time consumed most in bringing up the family and busy city life.
I did once lived in a remote area with the young family of mine which I misses the green surroundings and the chirping of birds in the early morning before the sun rise.although the sea was only a distance away but it is not the scenario which I was familiar with.
this is where I sometime had to travel miles along the coastal region just to find the spot that most appealing to me. May it be with the family or just me alone.
As now,they had grown up and now lived in the city and the sea was almost out of my thought until that visit of a friend, and that phone did shook me up and I realized what I had been missing.
Two weeks later, I was on the LRT and the monorail towards the bus terminal in Bandar Tasik Selatan.It was a state of art this complex,advance in technology for the comfort of the people using the public transportation.
The last time ever on the bus was in 1979,that was from Ipoh to Johore Bahru for celebrating Hari Raya Aidil Fitri with the family.
I had never been on the bus for thirty odd years and imagined now I am on the bus alone and doing things that I had missed before.
It was a smooth ride to the Malacca Sentral and we had sets appointment earlier to meet there.
I was the first to arrive and with the backpack on my back which I never imagine doing so in my fifties and Malacca Sentral, a business complex, a one stop centre with all the the public transportation.
I wander alone inside and had almost two hours before they arrived.
Selamat hari Raya Aidil Fitri ,Maaf Zahir dan Batin.
I did once lived in a remote area with the young family of mine which I misses the green surroundings and the chirping of birds in the early morning before the sun rise.although the sea was only a distance away but it is not the scenario which I was familiar with.
this is where I sometime had to travel miles along the coastal region just to find the spot that most appealing to me. May it be with the family or just me alone.
As now,they had grown up and now lived in the city and the sea was almost out of my thought until that visit of a friend, and that phone did shook me up and I realized what I had been missing.
Two weeks later, I was on the LRT and the monorail towards the bus terminal in Bandar Tasik Selatan.It was a state of art this complex,advance in technology for the comfort of the people using the public transportation.
The last time ever on the bus was in 1979,that was from Ipoh to Johore Bahru for celebrating Hari Raya Aidil Fitri with the family.
I had never been on the bus for thirty odd years and imagined now I am on the bus alone and doing things that I had missed before.
It was a smooth ride to the Malacca Sentral and we had sets appointment earlier to meet there.
I was the first to arrive and with the backpack on my back which I never imagine doing so in my fifties and Malacca Sentral, a business complex, a one stop centre with all the the public transportation.
I wander alone inside and had almost two hours before they arrived.
Selamat hari Raya Aidil Fitri ,Maaf Zahir dan Batin.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
It was all a phone call that day and I was on my way away from the city ...while waiting for the ferry ...met two ladies from Maldives,a lecturer and her student in English studies in HELP institution in KL and later two Pakistanis of the Tariqa Qadariah. Yeah,they were friendly lots and had a good knowledge exchange of cultures and views. Soon we were on our separate ways...
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